New research builds on evidence that the story of Jesus' ministry parallels the story of Titus Flavius' victories in Judea.

First discovered and published twenty years ago, these parallels turn out to be much more extensive than thought, and are shown to have greater importance than was known.

The story of Jesus Christ's three-year ministry in Judea is known to have parallels with the story of Titus Flavius' three-year invasion, although perhaps not very widely. This information takes on new importance in light of the discoveries that recently have come to light, and the realization that there are far more significant and non-coincidental parallels than had previously been thought.

The parallels between Jesus' story, and Titus' story are most clear when 'War of the Jews' (which is the official roman account of their invasion of Judea, published circa 70 AD) is compared to the Gospel of Luke, although there are also parallels which can only be appreciated when the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John are taken into account.

The nature of these parallels can be immediately perceived in the section of 'War of the Jews' that describes Titus' arrival in Judea, mainly paragraph 352 (or, 3.10.9 using the traditional referencing system).

It is worth noting that there are quite a few cases where one thing is parodies more than ones, sometimes in a different manner. In particulary, one passage in Luke is sometimes parodied by two or more locations in War of the Jews (an example being the killing at the altar described in in Luke). In contrast there are very few examples where one passage in War of the Jews is parodied by more than one location in the Gospel of Luke (an exception being the two similar verses in Luke where working on the Sabbath is described as hypocrisy).




The events at Lake Galilee (we begin with these, because they are a simple and quick example):


1. Jesus' started his three-year long ministry at Lake Galilee (in 30 AD)...
(Titus started his three-year long invasion at Lake Galilee (in this case in 66 AD))

2. And Jesus walked there, on the shore of Lake Galilee,
(Titus marched with his army on the shore of Lake Galilee)

3. Jesus then 'showed himself' at the Lake, 
(Titus presented his army to his enemy to Jesus Shaphat who showed up near the Lake)

4. And it was there that he 'saw ships,
(In Titus' story the Jewish fighters boarded many ships, and so were Titus' forces)

5. Those ships were currently 'making a haul',
(Titus' ships also made a haul, in the sense that they massacred and captured Jewish fighters)

6. However the ships had taken nothing all night and they had 'no meat.
(However Titus' dawn attack had not resulted in success, and had to be repeated during the day to achieve roman victory.)

7. Then multitudes followed Jesus and he entered into a ship, and from this vantage he taught the Jewish people, 
(Great multitudes (of soldiers) followed Titus, and he boarded a ship, and it can be inferred that from this position he taught the Jewish fighters a lesson)

8. Accordingly the fishers 'enclosed many' fishes, such that the ships began to sink. 
(Accordingly the roman vessels surrounded (enclosed) the Jewish flotilla, and attacked them, and sunk many of them.)

9. Simon cast himself into the sea in astonishment at how many they had taken, and was then swimming, as indeed were the sons of Zebedee (i.e. Jewish men). And he walked on water but was very afraid and began to sink, so Jesus caught him. 
(And many Jewish fighters threw themselves from their (sinking) boats into the water, where Titus' men caught and killed them.)

10. Then Jesus said 'from now on you shall catch men' / I will make you become fishers of men. 
(And Titus had his men skewer the swimming Jews with spears (akin to spear fishing) and cut their heads off (akin to what you do when you catch a fish), so (implicitly) Titus made his followers become fishers of men.)




Moving back to the beginning of the story Zacharias is introduced, who is there to represent Titus' father, Vespasian:


During the last year of the reign of a Herod (the tetrarch) the King of Judea, General Vespasian’s wife had been pregnant with Titus. WAR 367, 388: Nero chose Vespasian to lead the army, because Vespasian was an “old man.” WARS 522 If old age experience is fitting for power, then Vespasian is worthy…

Luke 1:3-37 …it is good/fitting/apt for me to write… During the time of Herod the king of Judea, Zacharias wife Elisabeth was miraculously pregnant, despite having been barren, as foretold by an angel, which mirrors the birth of Mary the mother of Jesus which was similarly angel-foretold. (- the reader assumes this means Herod the Great, but it is not stated) . And Zacharias said ‘but how, for I am an old man


Vespasian, the father of Titus, went on to be deified by the senate as God (this is not recorded in WAR, but in other sources).

On being told by the angel that she would conceive thanks to God, Mary went immediately to Zacharias’ house, and is then described as being heavily pregnant at Zacharias’ house.  And Matt 1:18 indicates that Joseph knew that Mary was pregnant with someone else’s baby. (so  Zacharias is implied as being the godly father of Jesus, who is also God.)


WAR 367: Vespasian's son Titus leads the legions, in effect to teach the Jewish leaders a lesson for revolting from Rome. (WAR 3.1.2)[1] And his plan is to attack the Jewish General John, and chase him, i.e. John would go before Titus.

An angel told Zacharias’ that his son would be great in the sight of the Lord, and would turn the Jews to the Lord their God, and the disobedient to wisdom (- a metaphor for teaching the Jews a lesson). Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.. and declared her son would not be called Zacharias after his father as expected, but instead John - who is later described as going before Jesus.


WAR 389, 393 Vespasian approaches Galilee, and has men (implicitly go ahead and) make the road even and ‘straight’, and if it were anywhere ‘rough’ and hard to be passed over, to ‘plane’ (smooth) it… He presents his army to the enemy to frighten them, and ‘give them time to repent’. Vespasian then destroyed the city. (WAR 3.6.2, 3.7.3). The intention, which will be described later in WAR, is to chase the Jewish forces (who will be led by Jewish General John, i.e. John going ahead and us following) across the country to the river Jordan, and since it is impassable this time of year due to floodwaters, we intend to drown many of them in the river Jordan.

Luke 1:76, 3:3-3:5 Mark 1:1-9 Matt 3:3  And the child John (the child of Zacharias, representing Vespasian)… shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways. Prepare the way of the Lord. make his paths ‘straight’, every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low  and the crooked shall be made straight  and the rough ways shall be made smooth.  John baptized in the wilderness, and preached the baptism of ‘repentance’. And they went out into Judaea and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.


WAR 483 Vespasian at this time was taking the surrounding cities of the area such as Joppa, killing Jews everywhere and making them flee. WAR 442 Vespasian came to Tiberius city, where Jesus of Shaphat, the Jewish ‘head of the robbers’, was, to bring these cities to reason after finding that the Jews everywhere were perverted (- sick) but when Valarian approached to talk, Jesus stole Valarian’s horses. WAR 443 but the city elders and their King came fell down before Vespasian to supplicate his favor, and asked him to punish the authors of the revolt (- Jesus Shaphat). Vespasian sent Trajan and the city opened their gates with acclamations of joy (- crying out), and they called him their savior, but Jesus of Shaphat ran away. (WAR 3.9.3, 3.9.7, 3.9.8)

Josephus: Luke 4:40-41 Mark 1:33-34 Matt 8:15-16 Now those sick with diverse diseases brought themselves to Jesus; who laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them. And took her up...and immediately the fever left her. And the many devils came crying out saying, You are Christ the Son of God.. for they knew that he was Christ. ..and he cast out the spirits (- making them flee) with his word, and healed all that were sick: ..and cast out many devils. And all the city was gathered together at the door. And he healed many sick, and cast out many devils.


The following is not present in War of the Jews, but rather by Tacitus, but merits listing: The supposedly blind and lamed men come in during a public meeting, throwing themselves down and begging him that if only Vespasian would touch them, they would be cured. Vespasian makes a great show of saying it’s impossible. So, we bring out some doctors to declare the men incurable but they comment that since the eyes and hand are still in place, an act of divinity might cure them. So, Vespasian grudgingly moistens the mans cheeks and eyeballs with his spit, and he lets the other man touch the imprint of his shoe in the ground. Of course the two men are instantly cured in front of the multitude of bystanders. (- Tacitus, Histories 4.81; Cassius Dio, Roman Histories 65.8, and Suetonius, the life of Vespasian 7.2.)

Also recorded elsewhere is a story that Vespasian cured a lame man by touching his heel, and a blind man by spitting in his eyes – the same story with slightly different details. As is known regarding modern faith healing in multiple religions, the most impressive ones rely on actors (if that wasn't true, faith healers would do their miracles in hospitals), so unless you think Vespasian is God, it follows that the actors must have been told to keep this all a secret.

Josephus: Matt 11:5 Matt 15:31 Matt 21:14 Luke 7:22 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk…. Mark 8:22-26 And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man to him, and besought him to touch him.. And he took the blind man ..and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw anything… And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking… After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored… And he sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town. Mark 3:1 Matt 12:10 And, behold, there was a man which had his hand withered...Then he said stretch forth your hand.. and it was restored whole and healthy..





Here the two stories introduce the events at Lake Galilee - Section 1 above - so I won't repeat them here, so instead we move on to events following the lake battle. 


WAR 453 After the lake battle Vespasian went across the lake and held a council at Tarichea to decide the fate of the Jewish residents whose safety he had assured, and at first was tempted to free them.  But Vespasian’s friends disagreed (- said he was doing something wrong) saying that he should do what is profitable rather that what is right to do (- wanted him to do evil). (WAR 3.10.10)

Josephus: Luke 5:17-21 Mark 2:2 Matt 9:1-3 And Jesus entered into a ship, and passed over [implicitly the lake], and there were... doctors of the law sitting by... and seeing the faith of the sick man they had brought said ...Jesus said - your sins be forgiven. But certain scribes said that Jesus was blaspheming (- said that he was doing something wrong). And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, why think ye evil?


WAR 453 cont. So rather than freeing the innocent residents, Vespasian gave these prisoners an ambiguous liberty to leave, but to go to Tiberias. So they went along with their effects believing they would be free. But at Tiberias, Vespasian then commanded 37,000 of them to be killed or enslaved (- Vespasian reneged on his promise and slaughtered them). 

Luke 5:23-26 Matt 9:5-8 Mark 2:12 So (in response to the criticism for proposing to forgive sins) Jesus said/considered: is it therefore easier to say, Your sins be forgiven or to say Arise, and walk?.. So Jesus said to man with palsy, Arise, take up your bed (- effects), and go to thine house. And he took up the bed, and they said We have never seen it in this fashion before. And they were all amazed and were filled with fear, saying, We have seen strange things to day.





Having dealt with the events at the Lake, the two stories - The Gospel of Luke, and War of the Jews - move on to events surrounding the river Jordan, which flows from Lake Galilee down to Lake Asphaltites (the Dead Sea). This involves the Jewish General, John, who in the Gospels is parodied by Zacharias' son, who was going to also be called Zacharius before the name got switched for John - this is John the Baptist who 'went ahead' of Jesus.


WAR 457. In the initial attack on Gishala the Romans got in and fought in the lower city, taking cover in the houses, which fell down suddenly. And when one house fell, [the stone fell on them] and it shook down others and so on down the slope, so that many Romans perished; however as the houses subsided they leaped on top of them (i.e. they also fell on the stone); so that a great many were ground to powder [the only instance of this word in WAR] by these ruins. 458 And this excited Vespasian to enter the city surrounded by guards, and bore the enemies attacks (they tried to take him).

Luke 20:17 And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? 20:18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.  [the only instance of this word in Luke]. 20:19 And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him; and they feared the people: for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them.


WAR 466-468. Titus wanted the town of Gishala to surrender, but John said that to persuade the Jews it was necessary to wait until after the Sabbath… Thus John tricked Titus (i.e. he was hypocritically leaving a place on the Sabbath)… so he could take flight in the night.. Among those that ran the slower ones left behind made bitter lamentations, for them to return (i.e. some considered going back and were slower as a result), but others called on them to continue]. In the morning Titus send horsemen who slew 6000 women and children and returned with 3000 captives (i.e. picked them off along the route to Jerusalem) [but failed to catch those who were fastest  such as] John himself.(WAR 4.2.3-5)

Luke 13:15 and 14:5 You hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall and lead him away / pull him out of a pit (- hypocritically leaving a place on the sabbath).. Luke 17:31-36 ...he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. Remember Lot's wife (a reference to the Old Testament, where looking back had been fatal to her). Whosoever shall seek to save his life (a reference to what John told his men to do) shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. (i.e. some of those who ran across the fields were taken, and others not)


WARS 476 the degradation of the divine law caused the priests too weep bitterly, because they had set the covenant with god at naught, and .. They believed the desolation of the city and prophecy would cease, if abomination was found in the holy place.

Luke 16:15 abomination in the sight of god...The law and the prophets were until John  (i.e. implying the end of the Jewish Prophets, and implicitly the end of the Jewish covenant, resulted from an abomination)


WAR 484 Now 20,000 men came to fight at Jerusalem under John, Simon and others…  and (WAR 485) the exit of the messengers was not known... and Ananus ordered the walls to be guarded… and Jesus stood on the tower and said 'every one of your leaders deserves 10,000 deaths'

Luke 14:31 Jesus said: Or what king, going to make war against another king, sits not down first, and consults whether he be able with 10,000 to meet him that cometh against him with 20,000? 14:32 Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends an ambassage (messenger), and desires conditions of peace.


WAR 487 In Jerusalem, the high priest Jesus, found that the Idumeans were against moderate counsel, and Jerusalem was besieged... they lay all night before the wall …and there was a prodigious storm in the night, with utmost violence, lightnings, terrible thunderings and amazing bellowings like an earthquake. These were a manifest indication that some destruction was coming upon men, ...anyone should realize this foreshadowed great calamities

WAR 488 The Idumeans thought it meant God was angry, and Ananus that God was on their side; but the storm was actually ominous to themselves. …As the storm was very terrible, Ananus let the guards go to sleep. The zealots sawed the gates, and the wind and thunder conspired so that the saws were not heard.... WAR 489 Now at first there came a fear as they entered… WAR 490 The Jewish factions fought, and 8500 died (they perished). (WAR 4.4.5-8) 

WAR 490 The Idumeans got into the temple during this ‘terrible storm’, by killing guards as they slept… the storm rendered their cries more terrible... and they spared nobody because of it. 491 they slew and cast away the bodies of Ananus and Jesus ‘though usually they would take down those who were cruxified and bury them’ before sunset. Jesus was superior to the rest, but not Ananus, who was a just noble and who foresaw that war would come and barring capitulation, they would be destroyed. WARS 491 Standing on Ananus and Jesus’ bodies they laughed saying "how eloquent you were, and how much trouble you caused yourself, but now rest!" (they joked Jesus was ‘asleep’ during the storm) (WAR 4.5.2)

Luke 8:23 Mark 4:37 As they sailed Jesus fell asleep during a  storm of wind on the lake; and they were in jeopardy. 8:24 And they came and awoke him, saying, ‘Master, Master, we perish’. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and water: and they ceased, and there was a calm (- Jesus controlled it, therefore it was a divine storm). 8:25 And he said, where is your faith? And they were afraid and wondered.. what manner of man is this!

Luke 12:49 and Jesus whilst replying said 'I am come to send fire on earth (when a Roman god does this, it means lightning)' 54 'when you see a cloud rise out of the west you say 'a shower comes' and so it comes to pass.. 56 you hypocrites can discern the weather but how do you not discern this time? (i.e. how are you unable to predict the calamities in Jerusalem?)


WAR 511-512 At this time the Jewish leader Simon of Geras had build an army - no longer composed of slaves and robbers, but a great many of the populace....He built a wall at a certain village called Nain... And Simon also sent his companion Eleazor, to (the city of) Herodium to persuade them to join him, but they made him throw himself from their wall and he died immediately. (WAR 4.9.4)

Luke 7:11 And he (Jesus) went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples (e.g. thus likely to include Simon) went with him, and much people. Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out.


WAR 498-503 Titus fought a Jewish leader called John who was ‘beginning to tyrannize’. Ultimately Titus’ army chased John's forces to the river Jordan and filled the Jordan with their dead bodies, killing ...thousands of them all across the plains to Jordan. (WAR 4.7.1-6)

Luke 4:33 there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil (i.e. John), and cried out “Let us alone; what have we to do with you Jesus.. have you come to destroy us? I know you who you are..”Luke 8.27-28 Matt 3:1,4,13 Mark 1:6-9 And John… beseeched Jesus… saying, there cometh one mightier than I after me (- a reference to the chase) and Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and he (- being ambiguous who this applies to) was immersed/baptized in Jordan by John. Luke  20:3 And Jesus asked them.. 20:4 The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?


WAR 492: The Zealots and Romans slew them and threw their bodies away, to make room for other prisoners; and no one had courage either to weep for their dead, or to bury him (i.e. the dead weren’t buried); but those that were shut up in their own houses could only shed tears in secret, and...those that mourned soon underwent the same death (i.e. those who did any burying became dead).. Only in the night they would take up a little dust/soil, and throw it upon the corpses...

Luke: 9:60 Jesus said; Let the dead bury their dead: but go you and preach the kingdom of God. 9:61 And another also said, Lord, I will follow you; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house. 9:62 And Jesus replied; No man, having put his hand to the plough (i.e. moving soil), and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.


WAR 498-503 Vespasian arrived at GADARA with 3500 men, leaving them under the command of Placidus. John’s forces were too small for an army and too many for a gang of robbers (there's only one word for that size of group of men – so implicitly it was equivalent to a legion). 

Luke 8:23-30 Matt 8:23-29 Mark 5:1-9 And they went to the country of the Gadarenes (- near GADARA)...  And when he left the ship, out came a man with an unclean spirit that no man could bind or tame.. But when John saw Jesus afar off, he ran (- a reference to the chase) and worshipped him, and cried loudly What have I to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the most high God? Have you come to torment us before our time? (- a reference to the story of Jesus being set 33 years before the war which it mirrors)And Jesus asked his name, and he said my name is legion for we are many.


WAR 469 In Jerusalem the people were in uproar and 10,000 of them crowded about (i.e. gathered).. John downplayed his departure, but the people considered it more of a ‘flight’… but John jested that even if the romans had ‘wings’ they could never fly over the walls of Jerusalem. (WAR 4.3.1)

Luke 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kills the prophets, and stones them that are sent to you; how often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! (i.e. Jerusalem refuses to be under the wings of the Romans)


WAR 498-503 cont. Unable to break the Roman ranks, John's forces, like the wildest of wild beasts, rushed upon each others' swords. John filled his entire country with ten thousand instances of wickedness, however Vespasian's forces drove John's men to the swollen river Jordan, and a great many were forced into the river. ...and the river could not be passed due to the dead bodies in it, and the lake was also full of dead bodies ( - Lake Asphaltites, aka the Dead Sea) from the river.

WAR 503 And they fell on the neighboring cities and he put his soldiers on board the ships, and slew such as had fled to the lake, and most of Perea surrendered [and implicitly they wanted him to leave].

Josephus: Luke 8:30-33 Mark 5 Now there was there nigh to the mountains a great herd of swine (- pigs – a derogative term for the Jew) feeding... And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. And Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine ….and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked in the lake.

Luke 8:34-37 And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country, And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts… And when he was come into the ship..


WAR 499 John’s forces were ‘too small for an army and too many for a gang of robbers’ (however implicitly there's only one word for that size of group of men – namely his force was the size of a LEGION). WAR 500 John was – obviously – aware that he was being attacked by the forces of Vespasian, who are clearly far superior if only in number. WAR 501 Vespasian arrived at GADARA leaving his 3500 men under the command of Placidus. 

Josephus: Luke 8:23-30 Matt 8:23-29 Mark 5:1-9 And they went to Gadara / the country of the Gadarenes...  And when he left the ship, out came a man with an unclean spirit that no man could bind or tame.. But when John saw Jesus afar off, he ran (- a reference to the chase) and worshipped him, and cried loudly What have I to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the most high God? I ask you by God, not to torment me... And Jesus asked his name, and he said my name is LEGION for we are many.


WAR 501 cont. Unable to break the Roman ranks, John's forces, like the wildest of wild beasts, rushed upon each other’s swords. 502 Vespasian's forces drove John's men along the swollen river Jordan, and a great many were forced into the river. ...and the river could not be passed due to the dead bodies in it, and 503 the lake Asphaltites was also full of dead bodies from the river.,

Luke 8:30-33 Mark 5 Now there was there nigh to the mountains a great herd of swine (- wild pigs – a derogative term for the Jewish forces) feeding... And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. And Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine ….and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked in the lake.


WAR 502 and Vespasian's forces took 2200 of John's men as prisoners, and the whole country was filled with slaughter. WAR 503 He then put his soldiers on board the ships, and slew such as had fled to the lake. Most of Perea surrendered or were taken as far as Machaerus (- clearly this left the Jews very unhappy with Titus being in their country)

Luke 8:33 Mark 5 The number of the herd was ‘about 2000. And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And Jesus came into the ship. And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts (- very unhappy with Jesus being in their country).


WAR 514 …People say this city is older than Memphis in Egypt, and was the habitation of Abraham, the progenitor of the Jews (This is the Abraham who is described in Genesis 28:14 and Gal 3:16 as Gods’ original sower of his seed)… and not far from the city is a terebinth tree (Which Genesis 12:6 describes as Abraham’s destination, and Isaiah 6:13 describes as being the ‘holy seed’ when cut), and this tree was very large and reputedly existed since the creation of the world. 

And Simon ravaged the cities and country… and all the woods were despoiled of their leaves as by locusts(metaphorically devoured by winged creatures), after they have been there, so behind Simon’s army nothing was left but a desert. Some places they burnt down, some they utterly demolished, and whatever grew there, they either trod it down or fed on it, and by their marches made the ground worse than barren.

Luke 8:4-8 Jesus told a parable: A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the winged creatures devoured it (- the word ‘peteina’ is used here, which can be understood to cover ‘winged creatures’ and not merely birds). And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture (i.e. like a desert). And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold (- e.g. in the manner of a large tree)…Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. (e.g. a ‘holy seed’ referencing Isaiah 6:13 – i.e. the terebinth tree


WAR 515 At that time the zealots ambushed and seized Simon’s wife and her attendants… But he came to the wall of Jerusalem and vented his spleen at them (rebuked them), and killed people he found, and swore he would break down their wall such that they sent his wife back.

Luke 4:38 And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him for her. And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose and ministered to them.


WAR 454 The city of Gamala is on a ridge that has a neck.. so Gamala is like a camel in figure, from whence it is so named, although the people pronounce it inaccurately… The city also hangs so strangely, that it looks as if it would fall down upon itself (two threads of cord hanging), so sharp is it at the top (i.e. a cord hanging from a needle).

Luke 18:25 Matt 19:24 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle (- here the Gospel gives a similar hint that ‘camel’ is a euphemism for a cord or rope), than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (- in its second layer of meaning, this refers to General John who is a rich man – see WAR 2.21.2. “John obtained immense quantities of money”).



WAR 507 cont. (i.e. the same discussion of the lake) this bitumen sticks together until loosened with the menstrual blood of women.. (- sticking together is a metaphor for Jewish exceptionalism where Jews reject non-Jews and instead stick together as a fraternity, menstrual blood is a reference to how Jewishness follows the female bloodline, so this black bitumen, is a metaphor for the Jewish bloodline)… 

And this bitumen yields only to urine (- this is saying the Jews can be converted to the Caucasian religion, since urine is what Romans use to bleach fabric and hair, i.e. used  to turn things white)…. (WAR 4.8.4)


Luke 8.43 A woman had an incurable issue with her blood (- again, this is a reference to how Jewishness follows the female bloodline, implying that Judaism is an ‘incurable’ blood illness). 

She came behind him, and touched the border of his garment (- a reference to the traditional purple border on the garments of the Roman royals).... And she came trembling, and falling down before him she declared to him before everyone (- Judaism/Jews becoming loyal to the emperor).... The ruler of the synagogue's house (- synagogue’s do not have ‘rulers’) said that the woman was dead (- Judaism is dead)... But Jesus said that she shall be made whole (- Judaism should be ‘fixed’).... so the ruler told the people that she is only sleeping... 

8:53 And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead. 8:55 And Jesus made her rise again (- Christianity resurrects Judaism as a ‘cured’ religion).. 




The next two parallels are noteworthy partly because, as with the events at Lake Galilee, each one is contained within a single paragraph of War of the Jews (or in this case, the less well known version of it which differences scattered throughout, known as the Slavonic Josephus), and partly because they appear to be referencing the form of torture known as Scaphism.


Scaphism - as described by Josephus' contemporary, Plutarch - is when a person is tied within the hull of a small boat, and a second boat is lowered onto him (forming the 'lowered sheet' shape described in relation to John in the Gospels) and nailed to it (forming the dove shape described being upon John), the person is then coated with honey, and force-fed honey and milk to cause diarrhea, which attracts insects which eat the persons skin and insides. It also involves his eyes being skewered with pins, and being cast out onto the water to be eaten alive over a period of a fortnight.


WAR(slavonic) 247: that time (i.e. Herod’s reign – so earlier than Jesus) there was a Jew in wondrous garb, who had put animals’ hair all over his body and his face was like a savage.. He enticed the Jews to freedom saying ‘God sent me..

Mark 1:6 And John was clothed with ‘camel’s hair’ (– i.e. rope) and a girdle of skin about his loins.. John 1:6 and John was sent by God 


(WAR 247 continued) and then all the people around Judea and Jerusalem region went after him and he did nothing else to them other than he dipped them into the stream of the Jordan and let them go, admonishing them to desist from evil. '

Mark 1:5 And there went out to him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.


(WAR 247 continued) Now he was brought to Archelaus at an assembly (i.e. 4-6 years before the birthdate of Jesus

Mark 1:2 John is the forerunner of Jesus, who ‘prepared the way for Jesus’


(WAR 247 continued) and he told them…’I live on cane (as described in the works of Pliny the Elder which were published from Rome earlier in the same century, ‘Sugar is a kind of honey made from cane) and roots and fruits of the tree’. But they threatened to torture him

Mark 1:6 And John ate locusts and wild honey Mark 9:19 The dumb spirit was brought that ‘wherever he takes him he tears and, and he foams and gnashes his teeth… Jesus said ‘how long shall I suffer you’


(WAR 247 continued) Now Simon of Essene extraction (the other individual that WAR 694 indicates is to be punished by the Romans, along with John), arose in anger saying ‘but you come from the wood like a wild beast and dare to teach us.. with cursed speeches? And Simon rushed to rend/tear his body. But he spoke with reproach saying “I will not disclose to you the secret that is among you because you didn’t want it. Thus has unspeakable misfortune come upon you and through your own doing” (The manner of Simon and John’s deaths are a secret that the reader must decipher)

Mark 5:13 When he came out of the ship he met a man with an unclean spirit who lived in the tombs, crying and cutting himself with stones who ran to Jesus saying ‘torment me not.. my name is Legion’ and Jesus sent the man’s devils into the swine which ran violently down to be drowned in the sea. Mark 11:32 all people held John to be a Prophet. Mark 9:26 and the spirit rent him sore (etc). Mark 9:30 and the spirit cried and rent him sore and was as though dead.. and he wanted no one to know it.


(WAR 247 continued) And after speaking, he went forth to the far side of the Jordan… 

Mark 10:1 and [after this speech] Jesus came to the far side of the Jordan.


WAR(Slavonic Version) 264. Now Herod Philip had a dream in which an eagle (a Roman legion’s mascot carried at the front is an eagle, its wings outstretched in the shape of a cross) plucked out both his eyes (- an aspect of torture by Scaphism) and he called his wise men but whilst some explained the dream this way, and some that way. 

And that man of whom we have previously written regarding how he went about in animals’ hair (referencing WARS 247, which is unambiguously about John) that cleansed the people in the waters of the Jordan (- i.e. a description of ethnic cleansing by drowning the Jewish army)… 

Now that man, who we call a ‘savage’ (again referencing WARS 247, i.e. John) spoke to him angrily… so Herod Antipas ordered them to beat him and drive him out’, and finally ordered him to be killed.  Now the nature of this man was marvelous and his ways not human, for he lived even as a fleshless spirit ( - John’s flesh being eaten alive by the insects, as per the torture known as Scaphism)… and every beast he abhorred, and the fruits of the trees served him for his needs.

Mark 9:47 …and if your eye offends you, pluck it out.. Mark 1:6,12 And John was clothed in camel hair… and immediately the spirit drives him into the wilderness




But the Gospels are not finished parodying the story in War of the Jews - it continues in yet more detail:


WAR 532 The sedition (- revolt) at Jerusalem had split into three factions that fought each other. 533 One faction was led by John. Another was led by Eleazar son of Simon assisted by Judas and Simon. These men were those 'among the men of greatest power', yet were they afraid of John, due to their small number (- the greatest were the least). 

This infighting, however, is a good thing from the perspective of the Romans, and is the effect of Divine justice. So the sedition is like a wild beast grown mad…eating its own flesh.

Luke 9:46-50 There arose an argument among Jesus' disciples, which of them should be greatest. And Jesus said he that is least among you, the same shall be great

And John said that we saw someone casting out devils (- elsewhere equated with beasts) in your name but he followed not with us (- this relates to John, Titus’ enemy, killing other Jews). 

And Jesus said he that is not against us is for us (- John is doing Titus’ work for him).


WAR 537 5.1.6 Titus marched out of Cesarea with three legions and headed to Jerusalem. He ordered the rest of his forces to Jerusalem to meet him there… 

WAR 538-9 (5.2.1-2) the auxiliaries that were sent by the kings marched first… However, when marching close to Jerusalem his sortie party was attacked.

Luke 9:51 And when the time was come that he should be received up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem.

Luke 9:52 And he sent messengers before his face (to Jerusalem) and they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem.


WAR 538-9 An immense number of the Jews leaped out at Titus suddenly at the towers called the "Women's Towers".. 

This was after Titus had marched (trod) into the enemy's country...with the ensigns, who carried the 'eagle' (the mascot, a fowl of the air)...and when he had 'lodged' there one night, he marched on to... that valley called ‘the Valley of Thorns’ near Gabaothsath, which signifies "the Hill of Saul," (Saul means 'to pray') near Jerusalem [sits on a great rock which was without water during Titus’ siege]...

Luke  8:2 ...certain women were there who had been healed of evil spirits 8:4 and when many people gathered from every city. 8:5 Jesus’ parable was that a sower went out to sow his seed.. which represents the word of god. 

Some seed fell by the wayside and was 'trodden down' and devoured by 'fowls of the air'. Some fell on a 'rock' and it withered because it lacked moisture. Some fell among thorns which.. choked it. Others fell on good ground.. and bore fruit a hundredfold. And then he cried 'he that hath ears to hear let him hear' (a 'prayer'). 8:9 and his disciples asked him what the parable was 8:10 and he said… [you shall understand but others shall not]..


WAR 517 Now [in the city] John was followed by men who indulged in feminine wantonness, and decked their hair, and wore women's garments, and were smeared with ointments, and imitated… the lusts of women and were guilty of intolerable uncleanness involving unlawful pleasures they invented.

7:33-39 For John the Baptist came ...He hath a devil.. And, behold, in the city there was a woman who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, she kissed his feet and wiped them with the hairs of her head ...what manner of woman this is that touches him: for she is a sinner.


WAR 522. But now Vespasian’s commanders.. cried out, how "at Rome there are soldiers that 'live delicately'... and they proceeded to declare how much more worthy Vespasian and Titus were than the recent few emperors... 

Luke 7:25 What went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft clothing? Behold, they which are gorgeously appareled, and 'live delicately', are in 'kings' courts'…

7:28 For among those that are born of women (a reference to those who are not born by Caesarian - i.e. Caesars) there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist (implying: only a Roman emperor can be the greatest Prophet)[1]


WAR 4.9.2. As Vespasian was preparing to march to Jerusalem, he was informed of Nero’s death... so he ‘stood waiting’ for news. Hearing that Galba was emperor, he [still] did nothing, awaiting instructions.. (Vespasian tarried

Vespasian [did not go to talk with Galba, but] sent Titus to salute him … When Galba died, Titus, by a Divine impulse returned to Vespasian [If Vespasian is divine, this metaphorically equates to Vespasian beckoning him back]. And they still did not attack Jerusalem, whilst the affairs of Rome were unsettled (Vespasian still tarried).

WAR 521 And when Vitellius reigned, Vespasian restrained himself because.. it was still winter (i.e. Vespasian still tarried) (4.10.2)

WAR 524 And finally Vespasian went to Rome, via Egypt. (i.e. he departed to his own house)

Luke 1:21 And the people waited for Zacharias, and marveled that he tarried so long in the temple.

1:22 And when he came out, he could not speak to them: and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple: for he beckoned to them, and remained speechless.

1:23 And it came to pass, that, as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house.


WAR 531 Then Vespasian went to Alexandria, and received good news (‘Evangelion’ - meaning ‘good news of military victory’) from Rome regarding the death of Emperor Vitellius and Vespasian being hailed as emperor. At the same time came embassies from all his own habitable earth, to congratulate him upon his advancement.

Luke 9:6 And they departed, and went through the towns, preaching the gospel (‘euangelizomeni’ meaning to announce good news), and healing everywhere. 

9:7 Now Herod the Tetrarch.. was perplexed, because some had said John was risen from the dead, and some that Elias had appeared; others that one of the old prophets was risen again (i.e. it was neither – it was Vespasian).


WAR 537 Titus also brought the twelfth legion which had been formerly did it march on now with greater alacrity to avenge themselves on the Jews, as remembering (- looking back) what they had formerly suffered from them (- remembering the death of fallen soldiers but continuing anyway).

Luke 9:59 One said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 9:60 Jesus said, Let the dead bury their dead: but go you and preach the kingdom of God. 9:62 And Jesus said to him, ‘No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.’


WAR 541 The parties in Jerusalem had been fighting each other (- the city is divided).... now began to think of an awkward concord, and said… We are, it seems, only courageous against ourselves, while the Romans are likely to gain the city.. by our sedition (- the city will fall).

The Jews attacked the Roman camp unexpectedly, and many soldiers were killed running to get their arms. But Titus came with more forces and ‘scattered’ the attacking Jews.

But John's forces, became 'still more and more in number', as encouraged by the good success of those that first made the attack. (WAR 5.2.4)

Luke 11:17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falls’. If the house of Satan is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?

Luke 11:21-29 When a strong man armed keeps his palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armor wherein he trusted, and divides his spoils. He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathers not with me ‘scatters’.

when the crowds were increasing / people were gathered thick together, Jesus said, This is an evil generation….no sign be given to it, but that of Jonas (John) the prophet.


WAR 543 In Jerusalem John sent men with concealed weapons into the temple...who beat those trembling at the altar with wooden and with iron weapons. These men also seized this inner temple, and opposed Simon. Thus the sedition, which had been divided into three factions, was now reduced to two factions.. (WAR 5.3.1)

Luke 12:47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and did not follow it, shall be beaten with many stripes. Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, No, I (Jesus) come to give you divisionFrom henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.


WAR 540 Titus arranged three legions around Jerusalem (implicitly with its gates shut), including ballistae [that launch stones], meanwhile the factions in the city fought each other.... The Jews cried out 'we are only courageous against ourselves, while the Romans will gain the city by our sedition'. this division helped cause their downfall. (WAR 5.2.3)

Luke 11:5 ..will you say, “lend me three loaves  For my friend in his journey is come to me”... he from within shall say, “Trouble me not: the door is now shut” 11:11 If a son shall ask bread or fish...will he give him a stone or scorpion... But every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falls.




For the next parallel between the Gospels and War of the Jews, it is useful to know that in the Old Testament (or the Torah, the Jewish Bible), Jerusalem is referred to as the adulteress city. 


WAR 540 [The general narrative by this point in WAR, is that Rome is coming to regain his adulteress bride, which is Jerusalem. Titus, who is to be revealed as a god rather than a man, has his ballistae around the valleys with Jerusalem in the middle. The ballistae ‘bend down’ to the ground, to have a stone put on them, and then lift up, firing stones at ‘her’. Titus will persevere until all the sinful Jews have been killed.] (WAR 5.2.3 (approx.))

John 8:3-10 The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst they said to Jesus, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act - Do you agree with Moses that such adulterers should be stoned?... But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.. and they continued asking.. and he lifted himself up.. (- as a catapult’s arm would) and Jesus said “he that is first without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her.” (- a metaphor for Titus being the sinless one, casting great stones at Jerusalem)

And again Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground. And when they heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, they went out one by one, beginning at the eldest even to the last one, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing in the midst (- a metaphor for the Jews being killed). And when Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he asked her “Where are your accusers? Has no man condemned you? And she said “No man, Lord”. (- a subtle way of saying that Jesus/Titus is not a man, and thus is a god)

And Jesus said “Neither do I condemn you: Go and sin no more”. (- a metaphor for Titus achieving his goal, that Jerusalem is gone, and sinful Judaism ends)




I will now move on to an interesting group of parallels, in which War of the Jews parodies certain bits of text in the Gospel of Luke, all of which have one thing in common - namely all these bits of text in Luke are ones which mirror or parody the Passover ritual, as described and mandated in the Old Testament, Exodus, chapter 12 (in red).

Note that each of the relevant sections from War of the Jews, are found in paragraph 576,577, 578, 517, 617 or 276 of War of the Jews.


12:8 …and you must roast the lamb with fire, and unleavened bread.  (- unleavened means it has not been given time to rise during baking)

Breaking unleavened bread Jesus said, this is my body which is given for you… Luke 22:19 

WAR 576-578 (5.10.2-4) [During the siege there was a famine in Jerusalem and] robbers searched men's private houses for food…People shut themselves up their houses and ate their corn… and some, in their hunger snatched the bread out of the fire, half-baked (- a subtle way of suggesting the bread was unleavened)…


12:8 And you must eat it with bitter herbs

Mary anointed the feet of Jesus using a pound of ointment of the herb called spikenard (a very bitter herb and food flavoring used with Roman food).. Luke 7:38, Mark 14:3.

The soldiers gave Jesus vinegar with gall/bile to drink (- a bitter substance), which he tasted  but refused to drink. Matt 27:34 Luke 23:36

…these robbers/seditious men also stole from those that crept out of the city by night, as far as the Roman guards, to gather some plants and herbs that grew wild; and snatched [the herbs] from them…even while they had entreated them by calling on the tremendous name of God.


12:7 and 12:22 … you dip the Hyssop in the lambs blood and strike this onto upper beam and the two side posts of the door of your house…

The Jews fixed Jesus onto a wooden cross using… …nails (implicitly leaving blood of the lamb of God on the horizontal beam, and vertical post). John 19 John 20:25 Luke 23:33

WAR 617 (6.3.3). A prodigious number died by famine in Jerusalem. The robbers would search dying people to find food in case they were pretending to dieThe robbers… went reeling against the doors of the houses (- striking the doorposts of the Jewish houses) like drunken men (- a reference to wine and thus blood)…


12:11 And you shall eat it; with your loins girded (wearing a belt)

You must have: your cloak tucked into your belt

You must have your shoes on; 

And you must eat with your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste

And supper being ended… Jesus took a towel, and girded himself (wore a belt). John 13:2

Luke 12:35 Let your loins be girded, and your lights burning; 12:36 And wait for your lord.. when returns from the wedding, so that when he comes and knocks, you may open to him immediately.

Mark 6:7-9 Luke 9:3 And … he sent the twelve to journey, and to take only a staff, and no risen loaf… take sandals, and do not put on two coats. 

Then Jesus said .. do you come out, as against a thief, with swords and staves? Luke 22:52

…and these robbers [wore] girdles, and they [wore] shoes.

WAR 641 (6.8.3). And as Titus was gaining the city, Jesus gave him garments of sacred worship, and the treasurer showed Titus the coats and girdles of the priests…

WAR 576 This bread that the robbers were seeking to steal from them, they snatched it out of the fire, and ate the (half-baked) bread ‘very hastily’…

WAR 267 (2.9.4) And in Jerusalem, Pilate was sent by Emperor Tiberius (i.e. this is around the time of Jesus’ ministry), and Pilate had his soldiers dress as private men, and use staves rather than swords.


29:17 .. you must wash the lambs legs… (implicitly both the hindlegs and forelegs – equivalent to washing hands and feet of a human)

They made Jesus a supper; and Mary, who was a sinner [this is the Mary who is widely interpreted as being a prostitute] was there... 

and she wiped Jesus’ feet using her hair (- i.e. cleaning him but without making him wet since Exodus 12:9 says the lamb must be not be sodden) and she anointed Jesus’ feet with ointment.. John 11:2, 12:2 Luke 7:37, 7:44

Mark 7:2-3 For the Jews do not eat until they have washed their hands

Matt 27:24 and Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the blood of Jesus…

WAR 517 (4.9.10) records that in Jerusalem John’s men devoured the spoils they had taken, and devoured them together with their blood, and they decked their hair, and wore make up and wore women’s clothes, and applied ointments, and indulged in gay sex to the extent that they invented new pleasures of that sort, and behaved as in a brothel (i.e. prostitutes). They then ran their swords through everyone they alighted on (- gay men running their ‘swords’ through people as a metaphor for a spit roast). And they “abused women as sport”.


12:46. You must not break any bone of the lamb...

The Romans consider it, but decide not to break Jesus' leg.  This was done, so the scripture would be fulfilled; A bone of him shall not be broken. John 19:36 Luke 23:44 the sun was darkened and curtain of the temple torn at the 9th hour when Jesus died 24:38 Jesus said: …handle me; for as you see I have bones and flesh, unlike a spirit. 

WAR 630 (6.5.3) A man in Jerusalem called Jesus was whipped until his bones were bare. The robbers beat men, tore hair, shook children, skewered them, and a baby was cooked, darts shot, throats cut, and people were burned, crucified, and lying in piles (- all these actions omit breaking bones). And at the feast of unleavened bread a light was seen at the 9th hour at the altar such that it was bright as day for half an hour.


12:7 and 12:22 You must take a bunch of Hyssop, and dip the Hyssop in the lambs blood in the basin…12:5 the lambs to be killed shall all be males of the first year, of sheep, or goat.

There was a vessel of vinegar: and they filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it around a stalk of Hyssop, to Jesus’ mouth. John 19:29 In an attempt to kill baby Jesus, Herod the Great slew all the children in Bethlehem (- the village where Jerusalem’s lambs are reared)from two years old and under. Matt 2:2, 2:16

WAR 617-618 (6.3.3-4) I am now going to relate a matter.. the like to which no history relates (- it is fiction)..I would willingly omit this calamity to avoid delivering what is so portentous to posterity, but I have innumerable witnesses; and my country will thank me for telling it. There was a certain woman, called Mary and she had a baby boy; her father was Eleazar, of the village Bethezob, which signifies the house of Hyssop (- the baby had Hyssop in its bloodline). Mary then attempted a most unnatural thing; and snatching (-i.e. in haste) up her son, who was a child sucking at her breast (- i.e. under or about 1 years old)...


12:8 And they shall eat the flesh of the lamb, and also you eat it at night (- it’s eaten as supper)…

Jesus said.. I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer… but I will not eat any more… this is my body which is given for you.. John 19 / Luke 22:15 22:19 Eat of my flesh.. my flesh is meat. John 6:54-55 

…Come on [Mary said to her baby son]; be you my food, (Also, WAR 673 records that these robbers at the end hid in caverns and if they found anyone with food they devoured it along with their blood, and had their destruction not prevented it, they would have tasted the corpses)


12:5 Your lamb shall be a male without blemish.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem (-where Jerusalem’s lambs are reared) Luke 2;4 John 7:42 Behold [Jesus is] the lamb of God John 1:29, 1:36 Then Pilate said.. I find no fault in Jesus. Luke 23:4

…[Mary continued her speech to her male baby, saying] be a fury (- this evokes the phrased used in WAR which is ‘divine fury’ – thus perfect) to these seditious Jews, and a [WARS parable] such as alone is wanting to the calamities of the Jews.


12:9 Eat not of it raw or with water, but roasted with fire; and you must do so with his head with his legs (i.e. whole), and with the purtenance (innards) thereof.

12:10 You must leave none of the carcass, and any that remain in the morning you shall burn with fire. At the crucifixion Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with spikenard... on both his head and his feet. Joseph and Nicodemus came to Jesus by night [the night after the crucifixion] (– i.e. they removed the carcass before the morning). They wrapped Jesus in linen with myrrh and aloes, (- Myrrh is burned. Aloes treats burns) and the amount was about 100 pounds (about half of the weight of a typical man) (- implying Jesus was half eaten before the other half being burned). John 19 / Luke 23:53

WAR 618 (6.3.4) continues: …Having killed her baby son, Mary then roasted the child… [WARS and divided him into two halves] and Mary ate one half of him, and kept the other half by her concealed (i.e. she roasted the whole baby). The seditious Jews came in smelling the scent, and threatened to cut her throat. So she uncovered her son’s remains and said, "…Come, eat f this food; for I have eaten of it myself! And if you abominate this my sacrifice, as I have eaten the one half, let the rest be reserved for me also"


12:6 The whole assembly of Israel shall kill it on the 9th hour, on the 14th day (the high priest also sacrifices at the 9th hour)

The chief priests consulted with …the whole council, and delivered Jesus to Pilate. John 15:1 And they all cried out, for Jesus to be taken away. Luke 23:18. The gospels indicate Jesus died on the 14th day (based on Mark 5:42 and Luke 23:54 to 24:1) And Jesus gave up the ghost at the 9th hour. Luke 23:44-5

On saying this, Mary slew her baby son… …and in [Jerusalem] everyone trembled as if this had been done by themselves. WAR 619 (6.3.5). [Titus decided that as the Jews had begun to burn down the holy temple they] deserved to eat such food. And this horrid [cannibalism should result in] the overthrow of their very country itself… In WAR, Titus consistently initiates killing the Jews in Jerusalem at the 9th hour: WAR 603 (6.1.7) “Titus’ men cut the guards’ throats at the 9th hour… a fight which lasted until the 7th hour of the day… WAR 609 (6.2.5) Titus’ commander gave the order to attack the temple guards at the 9th hour…WAR (610) 6.2.6, In Jerusalem, Titus began the fight at the 9th hour




Now in case the reader is thinking 'well, for that previous group of parallels, maybe both Luke and War of the Jews are parodying Exodus rather than each other, it is worthwhile showing that War of the Jews continues this parody of Luke by parodying further detail in Luke that is absent in the Exodus ritual.


Jesus the sacrificial lamb, was the son of Mary. Luke 1:31, 2:7. Matt 1, 13.

WAR 618 The baby boy who was cooked, as a ‘sacrifice’ to complete the calamities of the Jews, was the son of Mary. (6.3.4)


Jesus died after his last supper Luke 23:46

WAR 593. meanwhile the rich Jews in Jerusalem ate the last of their food, but their bellies swelled up and ‘burst asunder’ (i.e. the Jews died after their last meal) (5.13.4)


But Jesus survived / was resurrected. Luke 24:3

WAR 641. And a priest called Jesus survived the siege, since he was preserved by Titus on oath, in exchange for giving Titus precious things from the holy temple. (6.8.3)


Luke 4:23… and Jesus said ‘whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum do also here in your country’ (i.e. paying the half-shekel temple tax, since in Matt 17.25 it says that in Capernaum they were asked to give the tribute money, namely the Jewish half shekel temple tax).

WAR 617. The drunken men went reeling…. and the very wisps of old hay became food to some (- a lamb would eat hay); and some gathered and sold fibers for four drachmae (- equals one shekel). (6.3.3) 

WAR 672. two drachmae (- a half shekel) is the price Jews used to pay the temple for a sacrifice. But this would rise to one shekel after the war. (7.6.6)


And Simeon said to Mary his mother, This child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel. Yea, a sword shall pierce through your [Mary’s] own soul (the Greek work for animal innards is used) also, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. (Luke 2:34-35)

WAR 618. Mary sacrificed and ate her baby son, and the famine ‘pierced’ Mary, her very ‘bowels and marrow’(6.3.4)


Jesus was taken to be crucified. Luke 23:32

WAR 564 At Jerusalem Titus took a certain Jew alive and crucified him. (5.6.5) WAR 580 Those escaping to gather food were whipped and tormented, and at least 500 were crucified each day at Jerusalem's wall. (5.11.1)


Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. Luke 22:20

WAR 578-9…And Simon and John [took turns] despoiling the people such that they drank the blood of the populace to one another… WAR 638 (6.7.3) If the robbers discovered food belonging to any one, they seized upon it and swallowed it, “with their blood also”; (5.10.4-5)


Luke 2:9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.  Matt 2:1 When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, there came wise men...Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

WAR 629-630. As the Romans burned the rest of the temple (i.e. this is mostly about the siege of Jerusalem)… one false prophet told them there would be signs from God to be interpreted positively regarding their deliverance, and many other false prophets said to ignore the signs. Thus the people failed to see the following very evident signs as foretelling their own destruction:

WAR 630 Miracle 1. A star like a sword, stood over the city, and a comet, that continued a whole year… and also a great light came and shone round the altar and the holy house, that it appeared to be bright day time  for half an hour (WAR 6.5.2-3)


Luke 17:24 For as the lightning, that lights out of the one part under heaven, shineth to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.

WAR 630 - Miracle 2. Before the Jews' rebellion.. at the feast of unleavened bread, on the eighth day of the [month of Passover] and at the ninth hour of the night (the death of Jesus), so great a light shone round the altar and the holy house, that it appeared to be bright day time (- suggesting the light was ‘white’); which lasted for half an hour…  


Luke 23:44 And it was about the 6th hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. 23:45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. (i.e. opened from the middle)

WAR 630 - Miracle 4. And the huge gates of the temple, typically requiring 20 men to push them, opened by themselves [i.e. from the middle, since it is pair of gates], at the 6th hour of the night.


Rev 1:7 Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him. Luke 21:24-7 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive (i.e. be removed)...  and Jerusalem shall be trodden by the Gentiles [Romans]..And there shall be signs in the sun [etc]… And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud… for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

WAR 630 - Miracle 5. a few days after that feast, on the 21st of June.. before sun-setting, chariots and troops of soldiers in armor were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities. 

WAR 630 - Miracle 6. At the feast of Pentecost, as the priests were going by night into the inner court of the temple… they felt a quaking (i.e. shaking), and heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of a great multitude, saying, "Let us remove hence."


Luke 21:23 Woe to them… Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles. Luke 22:64 and before Jesus died they beat him. Luke 23:46 and Jesus gave up the ghost. Luke 2.36 Anna was a prophetess, ..who had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity… who departed not from the temple…night and day.

WAR 630 cont. [Now among the many portents of doom that those in Jerusalem ignored to their peril, there was a seventh one which is] still more terrible:

WAR 630 - Miracle 7. Jesus, the son of Ananus, a plebian and husbandman (e.g. carpenter) who started crying ‘woe to Jerusalem’ and continued doing so four yours prior to the war, and always loudest during the festivals, and kept doing it despite getting beaten and whipped by [Romans] without getting tired or his voice growing hoarse… thanks to some kind of divine fury as it proved to be... This Jesus only stopped when he saw his prophecy/presage fulfilled, during the siege of Jerusalem, and being killed by Titus’ siege stone he ’gave up the ghost’ having lamented for 7 years and 5 months,




The next parallel is also noteworthy. At face value the story of Jesus (the son of God) in Luke appears to be parodying Titus' attack on Jerusalem in War of the Jews. However hidden within it we find that, the description in War of the Jews is acknowledging that this is about as son of god disguised with a darkened coating (or dark skin), i.e. The story of Italian emperor Titus in one book is covertly retold as (presumably comparatively dark skinned) Judean Jesus, and this is being acknowledged. For this reason, this parallel also appears in the parallels on Josephus Flavius as Jesus.


WAR 562. [As Titus was bombarding Jerusalem with stones each weighing a talent] the Jews, at first watched the coming of the stone, for it was of a white color, and could not only be heard, but also seen by its brightness; so the watchmen on the towers would cry out loud in their language ‘the son comes’ [WARS ‘the sons are coming’] and those in its way would throw themselves on the ground, and avoided harm. But the Romans contrived how to prevent that by blacking the stone, and then could aim with success... 

WAR 563 and 566. Now it happened at this fight that a certain Jew was taken alive, who, by Titus's order, was crucified before the wall... And finally the Romans got control of the first wall… on the 15th day of the siege, which was also the 7th day of June. 

(- in summary - ‘the son comes’ around early June, three months before Jerusalem fell) (WAR 5.6.3, 5.6.4, and 5.7.2)

Luke 19:40-43 And Jesus [was at the mount of Olives, outside Jerusalem] and said to them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out (i.e. the stones can be heard)... 19:41 And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept/cried over it, Saying, ‘..but now they are hid from thine eyes (- the stones were made black). For the days shall come upon you, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about you, and compass you round, and keep you in on every side,




The next parallel is also noteworthy, and appears to have been written so as to be deliberately offensive to 1st Century Jewish followers of Jesus, for reasons that are explained in my book.

To understand the parody, it is necessary to know that in the 1st Century, long before the invention of toilet paper, a public latrine would have a communal butt scrubber in the form of a sponge on a stick, which was stored in a jar with either salt or vinegar. This was for communal use to clean after defecation, with the vinegar being considered sufficient to ensure adequate hygiene.


Matt 27:48 John 19:28 Mark 15:36 Luke 23:36 [on the cross Jesus cried out that he was thirsty]… So a jar was placed, full of vinegar, and someone ran and filled a sponge with vinegar, and he put it on a reed / hyssop stalk, and they held it up for Jesus to drink/water/irrigate… and they put it to Jesus’ mouth… But Jesus let out a loud cry and breathed his last. And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

WAR 577 [During the famine in Jerusalem whilst under siege by Titus the robbers] invented terrible methods of torment to discover food, including to stop up the passages of the privy parts of the miserable wretches, and to drive sharp stakes up their fundaments; and a man was forced to bear what it is terrible even to hear, to make him confess that he had but one loaf of bread…  (WAR 5.10.3)




So does this conclude the list of parallels? 

The list above is just fraction of them, although it does show most of the ones directly relating Titus with Jesus Christ. The observant reader will notice that many of them relate to the siege and famine of Jerusalem, and that this is a theme that many of them have in common. 

Many further significant parallels between the two books can be found in my novel, Naked Gods Play, however the novel does not merely show that there are parallels, or that they are arranged so as to form letters when plotted in two dimensions like a star chart - it explains why the two books parody each other, and why the signature is APTVS, and why an emperor would include hidden information when creating a religion that risks jeopardizing that religion, as well as what the emperor's original plan and objectives had been.


Indeed, for the interested reader, the parallels between Jesus' story and Titus' victory over Judea continue:


WAR 547 (At this point the gates of Jerusalem are closed to Titus's forces). Titus planned to attack by preparing battering rams. Titus set the strongest forces on the north of the city… and his army seven deep against the western side, and Titus was at the northwestern corner, and other forces at the tower to the South West, and the tenth legion on the east side at the Mount of Olives. (WAR 5.3.5)

Luke 13:24/25/28 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many...will seek to enter in, and not be able to. The master has shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock (- battering ram) at the door…. And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and the north, and the south, and shall sit down (- position themselves) in the kingdom of God.



WARS 553: In the temple there was an inscription and there were three equal pillars and on them titles in Greek, Latin and Jewish letters warning that no foreigner should enter. And above these titles hung a fourth title in the same characters (i.e. again in Greek, Latin and Hebrew) announcing that Jesus the king did not reign, but was crucified by the Jews, because he prophesied the destruction of the city and the devastation of the temple. WARS 555: This curtain was whole prior to this generation, since the people were pious. But now it was suddenly rent/torn from the top to the bottom, after they via bribes delivered the benefactor to death..

Luke 23:33 [and there were three crosses i.e. including three vertical posts]. 23:36 and they mocked him [questioning whether he was really] the king of the Jews. 23:38 And a superscription also was written over him (i.e. on the vertical post) in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, reading ‘THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS’.  23:45 And [as Jesus died] the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst


WAR 561. Titus went around the city to find where best to assault the walls…. And chose the monument (i.e. tower) of John the high priest; because this first fortification was lower, and the second fortification wasn’t joined to it, the builders having neglected to fortify it…  (i.e. they didn’t finish building around the tower) (WAR 5.6.2)

Luke 14:25 For which of you, intending to build a tower, doesn’t sit down first, and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it? Lest after he hath laid the foundation, and cannot finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. 



WAR 561 cont. - And Josephus... attempted to talk to the Jews, about terms of peace; for he was known by them. The Jews refused... and so [Titus] knew ...that they would not listen (- the Jews would not talk terms of peace)... WAR 560 adds that the Jews in the city had ‘10,000 men besides the Idumeans’

Luke 14:31 what king, going to make war, does not sit down first, and consult whether he be able to win with 10,000 against 20,000? 14:32 Or else,... send an embassage, seeking conditions of peace.


WAR 574 Josephus found a place he could give a very long speech to those on the walls of Jerusalem, despite them jesting and throwing darts… and he mentioned that the Palestinians carried away our sacred Ark, but God’s wrath on them caused them to excrete their entrails and have ulcers in their privates (WAR 5.9.4)

Luke 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the Ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 17:28 Likewise it was in the days of Lot… but the day Lot left Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all (i.e. Gods’ wrath).


WAR 540 Titus placed his camp at the Mount of Olives  420 and he raised banks of earth around Jerusalem to provide cover for his men (a trench around Jerusalem).  562 Titus’ catapults fired stones that made such a loud noise or ‘whizzing’, that the Jews cried out that theSon cometh’. Then the Jews destroyed some of his earth banks (a trench around Jerusalem).  586-7 Titus despaired of how to encompass Jerusalem, so he built a wall to encompass Jerusalem, which passed via the Mount of Olives, completing this in just three days.  649 and Titus would leave Jerusalem entirely levelled such that [WARS people would not believe it had been a city].  542 The Jews attacked but failed to kill him, with Titus saving his Legion from them twice.  588 The temple was so full of corpses they resorted to just ‘casting their dead out from the walls of the temple’.   722 Titus’ attack was such that the Jewish leaders (described as robbers) would hide in caverns under the city. 

Luke 19:37-47 At the Mount of Olives… Jesus said, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out (stones making a great noise)…  For the days shall come, that your enemies will cast a trench about you, and encompass you around, and keep you in on every side… …and they will not leave in you one stone upon another (the city to be utterly levelled)… …And he taught daily in the temple... and the chief of the people sought to destroy him but could not find a way to do so… …and he went into the temple and began to ‘cast out them from the temple’ that sold and bought there. …My house is the house of prayer: but you have made it a den of robbers


WAR 568. Titus brought a siege engine to the north wall where a crafty Jew called Castor, lay in ambush, with ten other men. Castor did then rise and show himself and begged Caesar for mercy and appeared openly to exhort those that were obstinate to accept of Titus's hand for their security. (WAR 5.7.4)

Luke 17:11 As he went to Jerusalem….there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off, and when he saw them he said go shew yourselves to the priests. and one of them turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God.


WAR 588. The robbers in Jerusalem broke into houses which were just graves for the dead (tombs broken open), and plundered the dead bodies (the dead were disturbed/), and took their garments and stuck their swords in the dead bodies (in short, a garment exchanged for a sword). 

Luke 23:46, Matt 27:52 Jesus breathed his last… and in Jerusalem the tombs broke open and the dead were raised. 22:36 Then said he to them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one (a garment exchanged for a sword). 22:37 For I say [these events are to occur before my death].


WAR 592. As Josephus was going round Jerusalem, his head was wounded by a stone; and he fell down giddy. …and Josephus was taken up... So the seditious supposed they had now slain him... The people were very disconsolate, thinking he was really dead.  But Josephus's mother said that… she had always been of opinion that he would be slain (a prophecy of his death)… but this this false report did not put his mother to pain long… for Josephus soon recovered of his wound, and came out.  Since Josephus’ capture is a parody of Jesus’ capture, the description of Josephus seemingly dead but not dead at the destruction of Jerusalem, adds to the story of when he was ‘raised from the grave after three days’ at the destruction of Jotapata.

Luke 24:6 He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spoke to you when he was yet in Galilee, 24:7 Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.




WAR 613. Now as the siege of Jerusalem advanced higher... on the 24th day of the month of Panemus, the Romans set fire to another cloister (- the Romans ‘razed’ part of the temple). (WAR 6.2.9)

WAR 615. On the 27th day of the month of Panemus the Jews responded by secretly filling that part of the western cloister with tinder, bitumen and pitch, and retreating. The Romans followed them using ladders and filled the cloister and the Jews set that whole cloister of the temple on fire (- on the third day after the Romans set fire to part of the temple, the Jews set fire to more of it, killing the Romans, giving Titus justification to destroy the Jewish God’s seat on earth); and the Romans were surrounded with flames, some throwing themselves down... with [Titus] only able to commiserate as they had gone in without his orders.

And it was of comfort to those that died, that everyone saw Titus grieve, and that they died for him; for Titus cried out openly to them. So all of the Romans died cheerfully (- an impossibility), carrying his words, and carrying this intention of Caesar as a sepulchral (- meaning funereal) monument (- this moment is representative of a funeral – i.e. the death of Jesus). (WAR 6.3.1)


John 2:17-19 ...The zeal of your house has eaten me up (- with flames). And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us… Then the Jews said, What sign do you show us, seeing that you do these things? So Jesus said, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up’[1]

Matt 9:31-32 Jesus said, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after he is killed, he shall rise the third day. Matt 17:22 They shall kill the son of man and he shall be raised again on the third day. Matt 20:19 the son of man shall... be crucified and on the third day he shall rise again. 

Luke 18:33 the son of man shall be killed and shall rise again on the third day Mark 17:22-23 Jesus said, The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men: And they shall kill him, and the third day he shall be raised again.And they were exceeding sorry.



WAR 601-603 Titus gave a speech saying those dying by the sword are given a place among the stars. 

602 Sabinus [WARS who was bony, of a ‘dry kind of body’, and with a black face, and who had a demi-god’s soul] was the first up on the wall of Jerusalem (i.e. on top of the temple) accompanied by 11 others like himself (i.e. there were twelve) at the 6th hour of the day.  The Jews rolled stones at them, and he tripped on one stone, falling ‘headlong’ [in the battlefield], and he got up again on one knee this being on the third day of the month, but covered with darts he ’gave up the ghost’. 603 two days later twelve of them went and killed the watchmen whilst they were sleeping (like in Jotapata where the betrayer told Vespasian to attack at that ‘hour’) and had the trumpeter sound his trumpet.. and the Jews fled and accidentally fell into a mine (Jews in an underground cavern, like Jotapata), and the Romans attacked and the fight began at the 9th hour of the night, lasting until the 7th hour of the day.

Luke 21:25 – there shall be signs in the stars and sun and moon Matt 24:31 and there shall be a sound of a great trumpet.  22:3 Then Satan (who in Luke 4:8 was on the roof of Jerusalem’s temple) entered into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.  Acts 1:18 – and for betraying Jesus, Judas received bribe money with which he procured a field of blood, which he fell headlong and died in. Mark 14:41 And Jesus told his disciples ‘Sleep on now, and take your rest: it is enough, the hour is come; behold, the Son of man is betrayed...’ Luke 23:34-46 there was darkness from the 6th hour to the 9th hour.. And Jesus ‘gave up the ghost’ and was put in an underground chamber, and the great stone was rolled away.


WAR 614 Jonathan the Jew was at the monument of John. He was undistinguished and had low stature (esteemed low by men) and no regard to god… and challenged the best Roman to single combat (esteemed himself highly)… they were wary… since he courted death.. and ‘put the deity out of countenance’ due to the 'abomination' of his words. One challenged him, but slipped as he ran, and was killed by Jonathan… who stood on his dead body jeering and making acclimations (derided them) until shot dead by a dart (the end of John)... showing how suddenly vengeance may overtake undeserved success.

Luke 16:14 The Pharisees (Jews) derided him… and he said you justify yourselves before men, but god knows your hearts, for that which is highly esteemed among men is 'abomination' (the only instance of this word) in the sight of god. 16:16 the law and the prophets were until John.. WAR 605. Now Titus attacked Jerusalem and it’s the holy temple during Passover on the first day of the month Panemus /Tamuz - the month of Passover) in order to take the holy city from the Jews. The Romans shout to the Jewish leader, John, that it is never dishonorable to “repent, indeed even at the last extremity.” (WAR 6.2.1) Luke 22:1 Matt 12:39/40 And Jesus entered Jerusalem, and into the temple … and the Jews' Passover was at hand... In the temple Jesus drove out money changers.... There only be the prophet Jonas (John).... The men of Nineveh shall rise “even at the last extremity because they repented” at the preaching of Jonas (John).


WAR 555 the holy temple's curtain (fabric) described as representing all that was mystical in the heavens (this is the only use of the word heavens, plural, in WAR) (in summary, heavenly fabric)

Luke 12:33 provide yourselves bags (fabric) which do not age, a treasure in the heavens (the only use of the word heavens in Luke) that does not fail, where no thief approaches, also moth does not corrupt (in summary: heavenly fabric)



WAR 44, 53 Pompey entered the holy house and saw the gold candlestick and other sacred items, but did not remove anything and instead ordered that the place be cleaned. However Crassus came and removed all the gold anyway. WAR 554 describes the gates of the holy house covered in gold and silver, one of which had 15 steps, but the others had ‘five fewer’ (a concealed way of saying the number ‘ten’) WAR 556,557,574 describe the golden candlestick among other sacred items in the holy house. WAR 461 The gold candlestick and other sacred items were removed by Jesus to give to Titus.

Luke 15:8 15:8 What woman having ten pieces of silver, if she loses one piece, does not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it? (i.e. if the place of the candle is the holy house of Jerusalem, then the woman of that house is the ‘adulteress bride’, and it was Pompey who had the house swept)



WAR 622 Titus was with the six principal men (i.e. there were seven men) and an unspecified number of unnamed procurators and tribunes. Titus asked them for their advice on whether to burn/demolish the holy house, and they discussed it. But Titus said "..ought we not revenge ourselves on inanimate things rather than the men" (i.e. Titus favors the living over the inanimate). Those assembled agreed to Titus' opinion, and the assembly was dissolved (i.e. no more questions).

Luke 20.33 The Pharisees told a story of seven brethren who each took the same wife (a metaphor for the adulteress bride; Jerusalem), and all of them died, asking whose wife she would be in heaven. Jesus said …he is not a God of the dead, but of the living (God favors the living over the inanimate). 20:39 Then some of them agreed with him and they did not dare ask him further questions.


WAR 681 The wind was blowing the flames towards the romans, but suddenly the wind changed to the south, ‘as if it were done by Divine Providence’…So the Romans, ‘having now assistance from God’, returned to their camp with joy (i.e. god controlling the wind to save them)

Luke 8:24 And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. (i.e. god controlling the wind to save them)


WAR 496 The Jews were 'vexed' (the only instance of this word in WAR) to pieces by their civil wars, and if they were taken by the Romans this would be alleviated, so Titus decided to do so. 497 for there was a certain ancient oracle of those men, that the city should then be taken and the sanctuary burnt, by right of war, when a sedition should invade the Jews, and their own hand should pollute the temple of God

6:17 he stood in the plain, and a great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases;  6:18 And [those Jews were] vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed. 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.


WAR 642-643 In Jerusalem, Titus raised banks up against the walls in eighteen days time, and… When part of the wall was battered down, and when the towers yielded… they were ejected out of those towers by God himself, and fled immediately to that valley which was under Siloam…

Luke 13:4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, do you think they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? 13:5 I tell you, No: unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish.


WAR 626. And finally, Titus entered the holy house victorious and killed the priests. This was during the month of Passover. (WAR 6.4.7)

Luke 22:1 And Jesus entered into the temple in Jerusalem … and the Jews' Passover was at hand.


WAR 641 (a man called) Jesus removed the veil of the temple of Jerusalem, and other sacred items, to give them to Titus

Luke 23:45 [at the death of Jesus, the veil of the temple of Jerusalem, was torn].


WAR 641 And the priest Jesus [had implicitly waited for Lord Titus to arrive] and delivered to him the precious things in the temple, including the two candlesticks… and the treasurer showed Titus the girdles of the priests and a great quantity of purple and scarlet (i.e. immensely valuable fabric)... and gave him a great many other 'treasures'.

Luke 12.33-35 Sell what you have… and obtain a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth corrupts (i.e. heavenly fabric).. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be too... …Let your loins be girded (girdles) and your lights burning (candlesticks) and be like men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding (Titus reclaiming his adulteress bride), so when he comes and knocks (a battering ram) they may open immediately.


WAR 669 Now there is a special rue (the only mention of the word rue) that is not inferior to a fig tree, and it deserves our attention which has various extraordinary properties… which was cut down by the Jews… and its root has the color of flame (fire).

Luke 11:42 But woe to you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue (the only mention of the word rue) and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God.. Luke 3:9 Now the axe is laid into the root of the trees: every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire (And Luke 13.6-7 and Matt 21:19 link this concept to the fig tree)


WAR 670 Now Rufus who was from Egypt, caught Eleazar up in his armor and carried him off, and Titus had Eleazar whipped and then he set up a cross to crucify him… but Eleazar convinced the people to surrender to the Romans, so he let Eleazar go without crucifying him (i.e. so he did not die).

Luke 23:33 Jesus (who had come through Egypt, and on being caught was whipped) was crucified (but did not die).


WAR 633 you [Jews], like merciless serpents, have thrown out your poison against those that treated you kindly… and you lie there like broken or dislocated limbs…

Luke 11:11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he asks for a fish (metaphor for a Jew), will he instead give him a serpent (equating Jews to serpents)?


WAR 679 Masada was a fortress on a great rock, located above lake Asphaltites, but since there were no fountains nearby there were reservoirs for water cut into the rock both inside and outside of the walls. WAR 680 4. Herod built this fortress… which was wonderful, and there was corn, wine, oil, and pulses and dates heaped up… These fruits were fresh and full ripe, and like newly stored fruits, and ‘not corrupted’, despite being stored for nearly a hundred years… (Herod’s fruits did not corrupt for 100 years)

Luke 6:43-48 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. (fruit that is not corrupted) …He who comes to me, and hears my sayings, and does them is like a man which built a house, and dug deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently and could not shake it.


WAR 632 ..a boy asked the Roman guards [to assure his life if he came down from the walls of Jerusalem] he was very thirsty. And when they did, he came down and drank some water, [but also] filled a vessel and fled [back into Jerusalem] to his friends. ..and so the guards admired his cunning.. (WAR 6.6.1)

Luke 22.10 he ‘Behold, when ye are entered into the city [in Jerusalem], there a man will meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he enters in....


WAR 677 Eleazar, the Sicarii commander … was a descendant from that Judas who had persuaded many Jews.. not to submit to the taxation.. which was a pretense to justify barbarity against those who did.(this message is suggesting Jews should pay tax)

Luke 2:4 Joseph went to Bethlehem, the city of David; (because he was of the house and lineage of David (i.e. a descendant)) 2:5 To be taxed with Mary… as required by Caesar Augustus. (this message is saying Jews should pay tax to Rome)


WAR 679 One of the paths (you tread on) is called the Serpent, as resembling that animal in its narrowness and its perpetual windings… there is also nothing but destruction, if your feet slip..

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


WAR 438 In Joppa the impression left in the rock by the chains of Andromeda can still be seen (This references the story of Perseus - a god who flew through the sky on winged sandals carrying Medusa’s head in a bag, and who stared at the waves, and after whom a constellation of stars is named, to kill the monster and gloriously save his princess Andromeda who was chained to the rock as a sacrifice. In that myth, she would have looked up to see her redemption coming).  And at those rocks the north wind beats the shore, and mighty waves dash ... and the waves rose so very high, that they drowned them... and there was a terrible noise when the ships were dashed together and broken to pieces;...

21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring… 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and in anticipation of things coming upon the world (arguably Perseus or Medusa): for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.  21:27 Then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud (like Perseus flying) with power and great glory. 21:28 And.. then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption is coming.


WAR 672 Caesar instructed the two men to hand over control Judea, barring that part of the country and one place reserved for his 800 men, which was Emmaus, which was threescore furlongs from Jerusalem.

Luke 24:13 two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was about threescore furlongs from Jerusalem. (This might appear to be a weak parallel, mainly offering a matching fact rather than a conceptual parallel. The reason it stands out is that it is the only example of a sentence in Luke that is very close to a match to a sentence in WAR.)


WAR 522 If we estimate the capacity of governing by age (i.e. old is better), we should choose Vespasian (introduced in WAR 367 as being chosen because he was an ‘old man’), or if by the strength of a young man, we should choose Titus....  WAR 524 So Vespasian (the ‘old man’) agreed to be Caesar… and decided to gain dominion over Alexandria, as it would help him obtain the government, since it supplied the corn [to Rome]; and in this way he hoped to dethrone Vitellius (the ‘old man’ went to take custody of the corn)

Luke 5:39 No man also having drunk old wine straightway desires new, for he says; ‘The old is better’.   Luke 6:1 (which is the next verse) And on the second Sabbath after the first, he went through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands.


WAR 520 Vitellius came with a great many soldiers and once no spaces allotted for them remained, he filled all the houses of Rome, who when they found themselves 'shone around about' on all sides with silver and gold, had difficulty containing their desire to plunder and were ready to slaughter all who stood in their way (implicitly those people would have been afraid).

Luke 2.7 Mary laid her son in a manger because there was no room for them at the inn. And in the same country shepherds were in the field watching over their flock by night. The angel of the lord came upon them and the glory of the lord 'shone round about them' and they were sore afraid.


WAR 521 Now Vespasian returned to Caesarea (this can refer to two places, one being located by the highest mountain of Israel), and Vespasian was tormented by his sorrow at Vitellius gaining the throne of the Empire (all the kingdoms).  So, he restrained himself from sailing to Italy, especially as it was still winter season (he restrained his temptation to attack, for a season).  WAR 523 Indeed his own troops tempted him, insisting even threatening him that he should become emperor (they tempted their Lord)

Luke 4.1 Jesus returned from the Jordan, and was led by the spirit into the wilderness, being tempted by the devil for 40 days… 4:5 The devil took him up to a high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms saying 'all [the kingdoms of the world] I will give you, if you will worship me'...  4:12 Jesus answered saying 'thou shalt not tempt the lord your god' and the devil ended all temptation and departed from him for a season (e.g. from winter to spring)


WAR 684 The men under siege in Masada chose men by lot for who would slay all the rest… and after this they similarly cast lots for killing themselves... and the last one ran his sword entirely through himself (i.e. he also had a sword through his bowels)....  Yet there was a woman there, and also a second woman who was kin to Eleazar. These, women and their children concealed themselves in caverns underground... and (WAR 685) This second woman told them what happened when they were in the cavern underground...  and this calamitous slaughter was made on the 15th of the month of Nisan.

Luke 23:34 And at the death of Jesus the men cast lots for his clothes… 23:55 And the women also...followed after, and beheld the sepulcher, and how his body was laid.  24:10 It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James (a reference to a child), and other women that were with them (e.g. including Mary, Jesus' mother, the kin of Elisabeth, the feminine form of Eleazar)), it was these women who told the apostles what had happened at the underground cavern... and this happened at the feast of Passover, i.e. the 15th of the month of Nisan. Luke 2:35 Yea a sword shall pierce through your bowels also.


WAR 688 3. So in Memphis, Onias built a fortress and a temple.. and the altar was in imitation of that in Jerusalem, and the temple was adorned with gifts barring there was a gold lamp and chain, not a candlestick… The king gave him a large country for a revenue, so the priests would be in plenty, and God would have plenty of what was required for his worship

Luke 21:1 And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury… 21:5 And as some spoke of the temple, how the temple was adorned with goodly stones and gifts…


WAR 687 Lupus (which Ant 19.270 takes the time to confirm as meaning ‘wolf’) was given orders to destroy the temple of Onias (a place destroyed).. 689 and his successor completed the task such that there remained no longer the least remnant of any Divine worship in that place.

Luke 9:58 Jesus said to him, Foxes have holes, and birds have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head (this mirrors the destruction of Jerusalem, ‘God’s seat on earth’ – meaning God does not have a resting place).


WAR 693 Jonathan accused the rich Jews falsely, but Catallus not only accepted this but exaggerated it adding further lies… and implicating Alexander and Berenice and even Josephus although Vespasian acquitted him… and Catullus was haunted by the ghosts of those he had slain, and then his corroded entrails fell out as divine justice.

Luke 21:37 Judas betrays Jesus for money [leading him to be slain and reveal the holy ghost, and in the book of Acts his entrails fell out, seemingly as divine justice].


WAR 663-665. Vespasian and Titus agreed to have a huge triumph procession together. as soon as it was day (- early) Vespasian and Titus came out crowned with laurel, and clothed in those ancient purple habits which were proper to their family, and went as far as Octavian's Walks to meet the senate and principal rulers (e.g. city governor) where a tribunal had been erected, whereupon the troops made an acclamation of joy and attestations of their valor.  They gave a prayer and a speech and sent the soldiers to a dinner prepared by the emperors (- a feast). They went to the Gate of Pomp and made sacrifices to the gods, and sent the Triumph forwards to be seen by the multitudes, which was magnificent in every way, from the amount of gold, to the size of the pageants often several stories high, to the captives (e.g. from Galilee, Judea, etc) following behind (- watching). (WAR 7.5.4-6)

Luke 23:1 The multitude arose and led Jesus…. to Pilate the governor... Herod's men arrayed him in a gorgeous robe… Matt 27:29 John 19:2 the robe was scarlet / purple, and put a crown of thorns on his head and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee saying, Hail, King of the Jews!..  John 18:28 They led Jesus to the hall of judgment (- a tribunal) Mark 15:16 known as the Praetorium (- the Praetorian Guard, key to any Roman Triumph celebration) and they called together the whole band/cohort..  and it was early; and they went not into the judgment hall but instead to eat Passover.  Luke 23:17 and they were having a feast 23:27-8 And a great company of people and women followed him, bewailing and lamenting him, but Jesus told them to weep for themselves. 23:49 And all the women that followed him from Galilee watched.


WAR 663-665 cont. Then Titus and Vespasian retired to the Gate of the Pomp (- something standing “on either side” of the parade), so called because pompous shows always go through that gate; there at (the Gate of Pomp) the they tasted some food, and put on their triumphal garments, and offered sacrifices...and sent the triumph forward …it is impossible to describe the multitude and of the shows....all brought together on that day demonstrated the vastness of the dominions of the Romans; for there was here to be seen a mighty quantity of silver, and gold, and ivory, contrived into all sorts of things, and did not appear as carried along in pompous show only, but, as a man may say, running along like a river...  There were also precious stones that were transparent, some set in crowns of gold, and some in other places, as the workmen pleased; and of these such a vast number (of transparent precious stones) were brought..

Revelation 22:1-3 Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal (- transparent stone), flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb (- Vespasian and Titus), down the middle of the main street of the city.  “On either side of the river” stood a tree of life (- singular yet spans a street - so this represents a gate)...  And the leaves of the tree (- leaves representing pages of scripture. The Gospels.) are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse (- the Gospels end gods ‘curse’ and thus the Passover ritual required to avoid God’s messenger of death).  The throne of God and of the Lamb will be within the city (- Rome), and his servants will worship Him (- the Gospels will make people worship Titus).


WAR 665. Finally the procession reached the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, where it was customary to slay an enemy general. (Not mentioned in WAR, but the Capitol building was a place named after a skull that was discovered as the building's foundations were being laid. Also not mentioned in WAR, is the well-known tradition of the Triumphator being offered, and refusing wine). The general to be executed was Simon, son of Gioras who had been led in the triumph with a rope put upon his head. Roman law required malefactors to die and be slain there. And when Simon had died the people offered consecrated sacrifices in prayer, and the nobles made preparations for feasting. (WAR 7.5.6)

Mark 15:23 To Jesus they offered him wine with myrrh, but he refused the wine.  Luke 23:26 And they laid hold upon Simon and made him bear Jesus' cross… 23:33 And they came to Calvary (Matt 27:33 this is Golgotha, place of the Skull) and crucified him with malefactors to his right hand and left hand. 23:38 And a superscription was written over him in Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, ‘THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS’.  23:47 The Centurion (- a Roman) said that certainly Jesus was a righteous man. 23:48 And all the people that gathered to see, smote their breasts (- a practice of Roman soldiers when giving attestation to their leader).






What about the parallels near the beginning of War of the Jews? 

So far I've mainly listed parallels found in the second half of the roman war history document, and how so many of them either are parallel to do with Titus' victories, or the siege or famine or destcrution of Jerusalem. The chart in What does it all mean? shows the parallels are arranged to form the letters APTVS, and one notable feature of this is how clearly the right hand side of the 'A' is arranged to form a straight line.

I'll now list the parallels that form this straight line. These appear to lack the clear 'theme' which other groups or lines of parallels have (unless I haven't seen the theme of course, since it might be something quite subtle like, being linked to a specific Old Testament story). But they are there nonetheless, and among them there are plenty that are strong parallels with such detail as to clearly not be coincidences.



WAR 86-87 Herod's men chased them to Jerusalem… But the people came and burnt those men. Jerusalem was full with the festival of Pentecost… Antigonus wanted Pacorus to be accepted as a reconciler (a peacemaker)…  But Pacorus took Hyrcanus, (advisor to Cleopatra's lover)

Luke 23:7, 17, 32 and 36 Herod was at Jerusalem at the end of a festival …. and one who was called ‘Cleopas’, answered Jesus… They said, Did not our heart burn within us... Jesus stood in the middle of them saying 'peace be to you'


WAR 88. Now at Galilee… he gave them gifts… Antigonus devoted many women with them… they waited for Herod to be informed of their treacherybut they saw the guards not far away.

Luke 23.55 and the women which came with him from Galilee came and beheld the sepulcher… bringing spices (Jesus’ newborn gift) … (And in the story of Matthew it is made clear that the sepulcher would have a 'guard', because Jesus was viewed as a 'deceiver' (treachery)) 


WAR 89. Phasaelus reproached (chastised) the governor to his face for this treacherous (seditious) plot, but promised he would give him more money (i.e. released him)… but the Parthians seized upon Phasaelus (put in bonds/prison)

Luke 23:16-17 Pilate said 'I will chastise Jesus and release him'… who for a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison..


WAR 92. Herod erected a fortification called Herodium [Herod's own sepulcher, a bespoke giant mound in which nobody had been laid before]… and at a place called Rhesa [a Greek transliteration of a name deriving from the word 'head' (also Luke 3:27 says that Rhesa was Jesus and Joseph’s forefather)] . Herod was 'met by his brother Joseph who advised him (as a counsellor)' to retain only some followers, so he left 800 men to guard the women.

Luke 23:50,55 Behold a man named Joseph, a counsellor, a good and just man, of Arimathaea.. He took the body of Jesus down (implicitly at Golgotha, the place of the skull), and laid it in a sepulcher hewn in stone which had not been used before... and the women from Galilee followed after. The women observed the tomb (which Matt 27:66 indicates was guarded with soldiers.)


WAR 93 and 94. Antigonus bit off Hyrcanus's ears with his teeth as he fell down upon his knees, so he could not take the high priesthood.. but Phasaelus, though he 'neither had command of his sword' nor his hands, prevented all abuses by dashing his head against a stone... As he expired he was relieved to learn that Herod had escaped.. Ant. 14.366 adds to this story, commenting that he “cut off” his ears.

Luke 22:36 …Jesus said 'he that hath no sword.. buy one'… 22:41 Jesus withdrew about a 'stone's cast' and kneeled..  22:48 saying 'do you betray the son of man with a kiss' (i.e. causing harm with his mouth) 22:50 And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear..


WAR 94. And he prevented all abuses by deliberately dashing his head against a stone

Luke 20:17 ... The stone which the builders rejected, the same stone is become the head of the corner? 20:18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.


WAR 97 After Herod 'escaped' the plot to kill him, he visited Cleopatra and then, being neither frightened at the height of a sudden storm, nor at the tumults that were now in Italy, he sailed for Rome. 98 and asked Antony for assistance, telling him how he had sailed to him through a storm, to do so.

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signsthe sea and the waves roaring… 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to ‘escape’...


WAR 102. Despite Antigonus bribing (giving money to) others, Herod remained powerful. So Herod went to Jerusalem, via galilee collecting reinforcements.. 

Luke 19:11 Jesus said a parable (about a nobleman seeking to obtain a country and giving money for his servants to occupy it), because he was nigh to Jerusalem,


WAR 105. Herod begged Silo’s captains not to leave him.. and then plundered Jericho. A great multitude of armed men were gathered together about Jericho, and lay upon the mountains, to watch those that brought the provisions

Luke 18.35 Jesus went to Jericho. a certain blind man sat by the way side begging: 18:36 And hearing the multitude pass by, he asked what it meant..


WAR 109. Herod sent men down in a chest from above, to attack those in caves, and they sent in fire and burned them.

Luke 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven (i.e. from above), and destroyed them all.


WAR 114. Pheroras would have given him '50 talents' as a price to avoid Josephus being beheaded... Antigonus's party brought the principal of Herod's men and 'drowned them'.

Luke 16:06 and he said 100 measures/'baths of oil' (metaphor for drowning), and he said to him 'take your bill (the price) and sit down quickly and write 50'


WAR 116. Herod marched to avenge his 'brother's death' and there was a 'providential sign' as he feasted and when the guests left, the house fell down.

Luke 15:23 the elder son was in the field, and the younger son returned. So the father said bring the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and be merry (a feast) 15:24 for my son was dead (his brother was dead) and is alive again 15:25 And he came to the house and heard music and dancing (a feast).


WAR 118 Herod marched with rage.. to a village.. in every house the upper rooms were crowded with soldiers for their defense…. Herod pulled the houses to pieces.. and had the roofs shaken down... and the multitude slain in heaps was so great that the conquerors could not pass along the roads... when the multitude which was gathered saw... they dispersed themselves and fled..

Luke 14:8 when you are bidden by any man to a wedding sit not down in the highest room…14:16 and a man bade many to a great supper 14:18 and they all began to make excuses to leave (they fled)... 14:21 so he said 'go quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor, the maimed, the halt and blind.


WAR 119. That evening (i.e. the same day after the battle) Herod was still hot in his armor from the battle and went to bathe. Herod encountered some enemy soldiers in the baths, hiding from the battle. They trembled and ran by him in flight despite him being naked, and... Herod was content that no harm came to him, so those men escaped in safety.

Luke 13:31 it was that same day that there came certain Pharisees saying 'get you out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill you'.


WAR 121. Now Herod marched on (journeyed towards) Jerusalem, and brought his army to the wall, this being the 3rd year since he had been made king at Rome, and pitched camp by the temple (where a gate is) for on that side it might be besieged… and raised three banks around Jerusalem, 122 and returned to pitch camp at the north wall (a fourth location surrounding Jerusalem)

Luke 13:6-8 a certain man had a fig tree and came and found no fruit. He said to the laborer, these 3 years I come seeking fruit and find none - cut it down. 22-29 and he journeyed towards Jerusalem. Strive to enter at the straight gate.. many will seek to enter and shall not be able to.. The master of the house has shut the door  and you begin to stand outside and knock (like a battering ram) saying open to us and they shall come from east west north and south and sit down (surround on four sides) in the kingdom of god.



WAR 121-122. This paragraph of WAR is expanded on by Antiquities 14.468 and 474, saying: Sossius returned after his wedding… and met his commanders and Herod at the walls of Jerusalem with eleven battalions to lay siege…. And the walls of Jerusalem shook (were ‘knocked’) due to their siege engines... The Jews burned their siege engines… but Sossius set fire to the cloisters of the temple of Jerusalem (i.e. broke through and entered the holy house). And in the city they got together robbing food from each other…

Luke 12:35 be like men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding that when he comes and knocks, they may open to him immediately (he would enter).  12:39 And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.



WAR 122. The Jews in Jerusalem were divided into several factions.. And bold men got together and robbed others…because there was no food..

Luke 11:17 He said, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falls. Luke 12:51 Do you think I am come to give peace on earth? No; rather division: 12:52 For now on there shall be five in one house divided…



WAR 123 After battering walls down Herod's men finally got over Jerusalem’s wall, ending the siege, and they seized upon, around the temple… and no mercy was shown to infants, nor to..

Luke 11:7 And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut.. the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give you.

WAR 125 -126 is expanded on by Ant. 15.2 to 96. In which Ant. 21-22 describes how although Hyrcanus was unable to receive the high priesthood, Herod gave Hyrcanus the 'upper place' at public meetings (- implying an abuse of power).

Luke 11:43 Woe to you, Pharisees! for ye love the uppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets.

WAR 126. Antony had reclaimed some of territory, especially the palm grove at Jericho where the balsam grows, and presented them to Cleopatra. Ant 15. 96 expands on this saying this country bears palm trees, but also "the balsam which is the most precious drug, and which grows there" in Jericho. (-a balsam means a medicinal plant resin mix, generally including alcohol and oil)

Luke 10:33 A certain Samaritan journeyed and saw the man and had compassion, 10:34 And went and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast.. and took care of him. (- a mixture of oil and wine, beaten together, is widely regarded as among the best ‘balsams’ for a fresh wound)

WAR 126. In addition to the tract of land with the balsam, he took many of those cities for Cleopatra except 'Tyre and Sidon'. [i.e. reflecting that the Roman treatment of Tyre and Sidon was ‘more tolerable’ than elsewhere]

Luke 10:14 But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you.

WAR 125 -126 is expanded on by Ant. 15.2 to 96. Ant. 46 says that Cleopatra had two coffins prepared for her and her son to be placed in, to be conveyed onto a ship (the young man was enclosed in wood on water) to escape Herod. 

Ant (antiquities of the Jews) 15.55 adds that Herod then caught them, and arranged for the son to be drowned in a large fish pond (he then died in water, fish being the earlier metaphor for Jews)

Luke 8:27 And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, and he neither abode in any house, but in the tombs (a metaphor for someone enclosed in wood on water, and dying there).

WAR 132. Herod had given a speech referring to the present 'famine' (hunger), and now excited the Jews to fight the Arabians, offering sacrifices first… WAR 132 continues, expanded on by Ant 15.152 and 159, saying that Herod became ruler of the nation is victory upon which ‘5000 men lay dead upon the spot’ (i.e. 5000 soldiers arranged on the ground in one place).

Luke 9:14-15 There were about 5000 men (who implicitly were hungry). Jesus had the men sit down (i.e. 5000 men arranged on the ground in one place) arranged in groups of 50 (- a reference to how an army is structured, evoking an image of soldiers). Then he took the five loaves, and two fishes, and looking up to heaven blessed them.. (evoking the manner of a sacrifice)

WAR 133-135 Herod was concerned by his important friendship with Anthony…. He travelled to Caesar.. and concealed nothing of the truth (he was honest)… describing how he had sent… 10,000’s of cori of ‘corn’ to Antony... And said ‘Now I ask Caesar to consider how faithful I have been, rather than whose friend I have been’.  146 Caesar assured Herod by decree, that he would be a king, and promised greater benefits in the future. (i.e. the provider of the corn reaps the benefit of being honest and faithful)

Luke 8:4 A sower went out to sow his seed 8.9 The disciples asked - What might this parable be? 8.10 Jesus said to you is given to know the mysteries (concealing nothing)… but others will not understand  8.11 …that ‘corn’ on the good ground represents they which in and ‘honest’ and good heart (e.g. faithful)having heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruit with patience (i.e. the provider of the corn reaps the benefit of being honest and faithful)

WAR 136 is expanded on by Ant 15.200-343. Ant 223,229,234 describes Herod's wife Mariamne (Mary) refused to lay with him, but procured a love potion, and intended to apply the potion to him and she was imprisoned for this crime (i.e. a sinner), and when she was discovered she was put on trial and she tore her hair (i.e. in distress)

Luke 7:37-38 A woman in the city who was a sinner, ..and she brought an alabaster box of ointment (evoking a potion), and stood at his feet behind him weeping (i.e. in distress), and began to wash his feet with tears, and wiped them with her hair... (evocative of someone throwing themselves down at person’s feet begging, e.g. as at a trial).. and anointed him. And John 11:2 gives the name of a woman that did this, as Mary.

WAR 139. Caesar bestowed a country on Herod where he built a white marble temple, by the fountains of Jordan, on a mountain of immense height, under which a dark cave ..has a huge and bottomless body of water.. which might be the origin of the river Jordan. (i.e. a great body of water acts against the building, but it is founded on a rock that can resist)

Luke 6:48 he is like a man which built a house and dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock, and when the flood arose, the floodwaters.. could not shake it, for it was founded on a rock. (i.e. a great body of water acts against the building, but it is founded on a rock that can resist it)

WAR 141 all who sailed for Egypt were obliged to lie (being borne up by the water) in the stormy sea... The wind raised such vast waves that ‘dash’ upon the rocks (dashing themselves upon stone)..

Luke 4.10 For it is written.. in their hands they shall bear you up, lest at any time you ‘dash’ your foot against a ‘stone’.

WAR 142. The place by the sea where he built was unsuitable, so he worked very hard to overcome that difficulty so that its firmness would resist the waves of the sea (implying that he laid great foundations and/or stone, so the building at the harbor would withstand the waves).

Luke 6:48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the floodwaters.. could not shake it, for it was founded upon a rock.


WAR 143. Now in this harbor that Herod built, there were arches where the mariners (fishermen) dwelta large valley, or ‘walk’, for a quay, or landing-place, to those that came on shore; …. So Herod dedicated the haven to the sailors there; 

Luke 5:1 And …. he stood by the lake of Gennesaret (Matthew and Mark add 'Jesus walked' by the shore) 5:2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone


WAR 145. Herod also greatly loved his father; for he made a monument to him, in the form of a city which.. had rivers and trees in abundance, and named the city Antipatris (meaning 'for forefather')... and he also built a wall around a citadel and dedicated it to his mother.

Luke 3.23 to 3.38 sets out Jesus' family tree including his father and all his forefathers.


WAR 146 And likewise Herod built a memorial for himself, a fortress called Herodium (this perfectly circular man-made hill also became Herod’s tomb), arranged on a hill that was 'the shape of a woman's breast' (i.e. a bodily convex shape)

Luke 3.19-21 But Herod the tetrarch... shut up John in prison. When all the people were baptized… the holy ghost descended in ‘a bodily shape’ like a dove upon him (this references a convex shape. It is expanded on in Acts 11 which describes the shape as ‘like a great sheet descending, being lowered   down by four corners’ - thus has the convex shape of the tomb of Herodium)


WAR 149. In one day, Herod caught forty wild animals (it doesn’t say killed – it could equally mean he collected animals) and many men have ‘stood amazed’ at Herod's readiness in his exercises… and fortune was very favorable to Herod, and if he failed this was only ever when Herod was 'betrayed'…

Luke 2:8 to 2:20 tells how shepherds came - (people who keeps a flock of animals)… the glory of the lord shone around and they were sore afraid… (multiple men implicitly were amazed).  Whilst Luke's nativity story mentions shepherds, Matthew and Mark instead describe Magi, who ‘betrayed’ Herod. (A Magi implies a royal religious leader who - like the shepherds - thus has a ‘flock’, and is a metaphor for three royals creating a religion).


WAR 151 Mariamne (Mary) had a brother called Aristobulus. Herod had given him the high priesthood (the highest position) at the age of seventeen (which is implausible), but killed him soon afterwards (similarly implausible). Since the crowds fell into tears when he wore the holy clothes at the altar at a festival (similarly implausible). Upon this the child was sent to Jericho (an oasis in a desert) and drowned in a pool (drowning being a metaphor for the 'baptism' of John).

Luke 1:76-80 John (the child of Mary’s cousin, who is later baptized as a metaphor for being drowned, and who ‘wore no clothes’) shall be called the prophet of the highest… and the child.. was in the deserts till the day of his shewing (a phrase which can be interpreted as reaching the priesthood)… 





So is that finally the complete list of the parallels?

No. It still isn't all of them, by far. I'll stop here though, as I think I have made my point. 

Not only does Jesus' story intensely parallel Titus' victories as set out in War of the Jews in a great many locations (that appear in the same order in both documents by the way), and the story of Josephus in War of the Jews intensely parallels the story of Jesus (see Josephus Flavius as Jesus, forming a vertical line and a horizontal line when plotted), but there are a huge multitude of additional non-coincidental parallels between the documents, which occur in clusters, groups and themes - and when plotted - turn out to be arranged in lines.

My purpose in listing this information, is to ensure I have provided sufficient easily fact-checkable evidence online, that the reader can plot the locations of these parallels on a 2D chart (position in Luke vs position in War of the Jews) and see for themselves that they are arranged in a series of lines, that form the letters 'APTVS', being providing both a signature of the authors, and a statement that they are apt, or 'fit', to be Latin gods, among other things.


Please factcheck these parallels!

Try randomly selecting any of the parallels above (or any of those in the page on Josephus Flavius as Jesus) that involve the Gospel of Luke, and verify that:

1. the text contains the information I have indicated, usually literally, or else implicitly,

2. it is at the indicated location in Luke, and the indicated paragraph of War of the Jews, and 

3. that this corresponds to one of the dots in the chart on the right. 

I encourage you to do so. The Gospel of Luke is trivial to locate online and it rarely matters much which translation you use, whilst 'War of the Jews' by Josephus Flavius, can be found on quite a few independent websites via any search engine. 

A note about references to War of the Jews

Traditional references to War of the Jews either use Whitson sections, which I will ignore here, or refer to the relevant Book, Chapter, and Sub-paragraph, and the majority of websites detailing the full text of War of the Jews, will offer the latter, if not both. However, to plot the parallels on a 2D chart, it is necessary to know which paragraph we are talking about, out of the near-700 paragraphs - i.e. a number between 1 and 694, so for that reason I refer to locations simply by the paragraph number. An index is provided below, for switching between the two.

A complete reference look up can be found at here.

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